Rarity was born into one of the most rich and noble families in the whole of Equestria. Her family takes it's beginning from the only son of the Princess Luna. Because of such relation to the banished princess, Rarities's family faced many challenges and prejudice. But, because of their hard work and dedication, they manged to escape the mark of the dark princess.
Through generations, the Bell family grew and prospered, taking more and more power in Equestria, and now, all of this was on Rarities shoulders to carry as the eldest child. Rarity was preparing to become the head of the family from the early childhood. She had the best tutors her family could afford, she was taught proper manners, how to behave properly to not shame her family, how to act as a proper noble.
Rarities's biggest dream was always fashion. She eagerly followed her favorite designers, read all the books available, traveled to the fashion shows, bought the new clothes from her favorite designers, she even convinced her parents to give her design classes to learn how to visualize her ideas on paper. But, all of this was just a dream. Her parents entertained this dreams of hers while she was little, but, when she became older, they shut all of this down and completely buried her with studies and high social life.
At the age of 7, Rarity got enrolled in to Celestia's school for gifted foals. There she met a very peculiar foal-Twilight Sparkle. The two didn't become friends immediately. The purple filly preferred to mostly keep to herself and study, while Rarity became the most popular filly in school. It wasn't until their last year when the two started to hang out more. Rarity started to have difficulties with her studies and she was afraid that she will fail the final exams, so she asked Twilight for help. Despite being reluctant at first, Twilight still agreed. Surprisingly, the two bonded rather quickly and became best of friends. Rarity was always the popular filly, but she never could call any of her acquaintances "friends", more like useful connection. But with Twilight, it was different, their friendship was genuine, because Twilight didn't care about the status and money, she only cared about the personality.
Unlike other ponies at the school, Rarity really didn't want the year to end and to eventually graduate. Her graduation meant that she will return to her family and take on the duties as the heir of the family. Besides that, Rarity also was already betrothed to a stallion of another noble family. Despite her being a rather romantic pony, Rarity didn't want to rush things so much, especially when there was little to no love between the two.
So, when Rarity learned that after graduation Twilight will have to do a special study in some far away town, she jumped on the opportunity and begged her parents to let her go with Twilight, reasoning them that it would be a good opportunity to know the common ponies, to get to know the region and their businesses, basically trying to sway them from the business point of view. Finally, after very long persuasions, her parents agreed. Rarity was ecstatic! She was happy to have one more year of "freedom" all to herself, but she also was happy to spend more time with her new friend. She even took her younger sister, Sweety Bell, to accompany her and show her a bigger world than their family.
After arriving at Ponyville, Rarity and Sweety Bell settled in an abandoned shop with living quarters upstairs. She bought this shop in hopes of renovating it and actually opening a sewing business. She wanted to try and within a year achieve her goal of becoming a fashion designer and show her parents what she truly wants to do in life.
Settling in a new place wasn't easy for Rarity, she had to learn a lot of new things and unlearn her own prejudice. But, with the help of her new friends she knew, she will be able to achieve anything!