Applejack was right, the little 'hoo-muns' were quite tiny. And, the pegasus had to admit... quite cute too. BUT Rainbow Dash had to play it cool, or at least... try to. She had used her exercise routine as an excuse to pay these new inhabitants a visit.
"Hey there lil' guys!" she said, feeling her face warm up as she stood in the middle of the city. It was like looking at a model of a town like Manehattan. It felt AWESOME to the stunning pegasus, being the most obvious center of attention and the biggest 'show' around. There were even a few humans starting to congregate around her.
"Name's Rainbow Dash! I know I look pretty darn awesome, so hold the applause. Came to visit my uhh... close friend Applejack and remembered she had mentioned about some new residents on her property. Figured I'd stop by, get to know you all for a minute." she added, starting to kneel down to the closest 'hoo-mun' who had approached her.
LET'S see if this actually stays on longer than the last attempt. >_<
Decided to return to this setting, a world where the ponies are anthropomorphic, and the tiny human city that has suddenly appeared near Applejack's farm.
No idea why NovelAI's generator puts a frikkin' 'signature' on this.