Originally posted on: May 12, 2019, 6:27 AM UTC
Transformers Animated BlackArachnia pony
Decepticons: BlackArachnia
It'll be a long time before I ever trust another Autobot.
Especially you, Optimus
In another life, she was Elita-1, an energetic,
spunky Autobot Academy cadet. That was until a
fateful trip to Archa Seven, where her treammates
abandoned her to a horde of alien spider. Now
calling herself BlackArachnia, she hates her new
body with a passion. Her loathing of her organic
parts is slowly driving her insane, and she will do
anything to get of them, no matter whom she
has to crush on her path. Her mutation fueled a
newfound hatred of the Autobot casuse and quest
for revenge that led her to join Megatron in his war
against them. However, she does not appear
overly loyal to her leader.
In her mutant technorganic form, she makes use of
her newfound 'cyber venom' to paralyze her
enemies, and combines this with her natural ability
to download and mimic other Transformers' traits and weaponry for a
limited amount of time with a simple touch. Hope nobody told Lockdown .