Poor Unfortunate Equestria Girls, Pt. 6
(English translation here done by TheOneAJ, see the origin Dutch and English version on DA)
(The stone glows, and from it, seven beams of yellow light shoot out from it and race towards the girls. Starting at their tail fins, the magic begins to spiral up around their bodies, pulling the girls downwards towards the ocean floor)
Pinkie Pie: uh-oh! (Tries to swim away, but the yellow glow pulls her down as her hands are drawn up) I think I remember this part, and it’s not pretty or ends well for us!
Rarity: What is this?! (She looks down as the yellow magic circles around her belly).
Fluttershy: oh no! (Whimper as the magic reaches her chest, an additional golden vortex forms around her chest that makes her moan uncomfortably) Wha… What are you doing to me?
Twilight: We need help! I can barely move, can anyone else?!
Rainbow Dash: Nope! (Fast as she is, she isn’t fast enough to get away)
Applejack: I can’t escape this swirling thing either, whoa! (Tries to hold onto her hat as it seems to get larger, only to realize to her horror that she’s the one getting smaller)
Sunset Shimmer: It’s pulling us down to the bottom of the ocean (Sunset observes, the yellow magic fully encasing her as all of their tails fins are planted into the floor) What’s happening to us!?
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