Stone Mane took another look at himself in the full length mirror. He smiled at what he saw. The tailors had done an excellent job of tailor his court uniform. True he was not a full-fledged, permanent member of Luna's Night Court, but he'd recently been given a commission as a member of the newly formed Night Court Auxiliary Unit.
Now he had an actual and official rank , even if a minor one, and when he finished school if he enlisted in the Equestria Army his service in the Night Court Auxiliary will count toward toward his admission into Army Academy.
In fact if his performance at court was satisfactory and he kept his grades up in school, Princess Luna said she would consider writing a letter of recommendation when he applied for the Academy. So the future was looking very bright for the young stallion. Which may have contributed to the smile on his face.
The other part was the court uniform he was wearing. Since the Night Court Auxiliary Unit was a recently created unit it had no existing uniform. Because of that Stone Mane had been able to have some constructive input into the stallion's uniform. So even though he was youngest member of the Auxiliary, and the second youngest in the court overall, he had been able to convince Princess Luna to have zippers on the black, formal high boots he now wore. This was break from the traditional buckles or lacing, but Stone Mane had argued that this helped denote the Night Court as being a forward looking institution willing to embrace new and different ideas.
Stone was still checking himself in the mirror when a familiar voice called out from the next room.
"Stone. Could ya help me?"
Following the voice he trotted in to find Applebloom sitting on a stool with her back to him. She was wearing a form-fitting, glistening black garment that she referred to as a Sneaky Suit. The reason for her call for assistance obviously due to the suit's long zipper being on the back of the garment. She grinned at him.
"Care ta do the honors?"
He grinned and sauntered over. Carefully grabbing the zipper tab with his teeth he slowly pulled all the way upward until it stopped at the collar of the suit. The young mare looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.
"Thanks dear."
Stone smiled at her as he admired her. "No problem. but why aren't you just letting your servant sheath like it normally does?"
Applebloom rose from the stool and proceeded to do a series of slow stretches in the garment. "Fer security reasons. This is the first time fer a griffin representative of the Broken Talon Nation ta come ta the Night Court. Now I've got a reputation fer wearing all kinds of shiny black stuff, but apparently the representative of the Broken Talon Nation is unaware of the relationship I have with my servant, and Luna fer the time being wants ta keep that a secret." She looked at on of her front legs. "And that's why I'm wearing this tanight!"
The stallion grinned. "Well no matter what you look amazing. Did Rarity's associate in Canterlot make it for you? Like she's done in the past?"
The young mare shook her head. "Nah! She was ta busy. Couldn't get done in time with her work schedule, but our neighbor Miss Petina said she knew a source, and then next day she showed up with this. It's the right size and everything!"
Applebloom reared up and looked at herself in the mirror. "Fit's me like a glove and everything."
Stone Mane smiled as he saw his own reflection on it. "What's it made of?"
"No clue." Said Luna's Blademare. "But it looks almost exactly like my servant does. So this should fool them!"
Stone smiled. "Well glad to help you get into that."
Applebloom gave him a mischievous grin. "Wutz even better when this all dun tanight ya can help me git of it!"
The young stallion's smile got bigger. "True."
A moment from my Equestria dreamscape that occured a few weeks back that I wanted to get down on paper before I forgot certain details. This event occurs almost 3 years after the current timeline that I am posting.