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Hey guys, it's 4th of July day and we're see some cool fireworks lighting up the night sky! Here's Mario, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike and the Care Bears Cheer Bear, Share Bear, Oopsy Bear, Funshine Bear and Grumpy Bear celebrating the holiday together, while watching the fireworks! Happy 4th of July everybody!
Background used: FREE: Moon and Cloud Background
Vectors used: Spike the Dog Care Bears: Care Bear Gang 2007 2D Odyssey Mario Thumb Up Render Vector #53: A princess who shines MLP: EQG Vector - Sunset Shimmer (Posing) #2 MLP: EQG Vector - Rarity (Posing) #7 MLP: EQG Vector - Fluttershy (Posing) #2 MLP: EQG Vector - Rainbow Dash (Posing) #2 MLP: EQG Vector - Pinkie Pie (Posing) #2 MLP: EQG Vector Applejack (Posing) #3
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