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Been awhile since I did a YCH!
I've been on kind of a pet-play kick recently lmao
This one is $8 flat as I need money really quickly, some living situation troubles again. Message me if you are interested!!
What can be customized:
Race (pony only for this one though, if your character is pony-adjacent enough that's fine too)
Optional removal of crotchboobs (in order to make the image suggestive rather than questionable. I can send you a screenshot of the crotchboob-less version if you want to see what it looks like without them)
Color of collar and leash
Wing style/horn style (If your character has a different wing style/horn style let me know/show me, and I'll see if it is something I could change)
Color of ball gag ball
Background colors
Replace floor reflection with shadow instead
Addition of cum leakage/fluid puddle/drool etc.
Addition of blushing/sweating
Add show-style shading
What can't be customized:
Gender (muzzle shape specifically, I can remove the eyelashes and/or crotchboobs but not open to changing the snout/adding a penis version)
Etc. (anything else not mentioned feel free to ask about, not sure what I'm missing!)
A character ref of some kind, even if it's just a pony creator oc, or a mockup in paint using circles and the bucket tool, or a pony town avatar etc.
Some sort of PNG of a cutie mark, or a detailed description of it so I can make one for the image to the best of my ability. If you choose, I can also omit the cutie mark and just have the pony be blank flanked/covered with "paint" etc./with a paw mark "painted" on or stuff like that
My normal commissions are also open right now! There are a lot of money-related problems in my life right now and getting a few commissions would help immensely, so if you are interested, please reach out and message me! I communicate here on Derpibooru, but also am open to emailing if that would be a better form of communication, just ask! If my queue fills up/I can't take on more people, I will close commissions to work on those, then open them up again when I can %(fingers crossed that I get any commissions at all haha)%