Name: suggestions? (Mossy Mist, Angel fish, Kelpie are all some I thought about but idk)
Parents: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Seapony
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Siblings: None
Special talent: ~~~
Personality/random facts:
-Doesn't speak much, mostly communicates with her expressions, gestures and with clicking sounds seaponies understand
-Very curious
-Very fast
-Mostly very calm but definitely not a pushover, she has a bit of fire in her
-On the smaller side of seaponies, born prematurely
-Tail fins can change color from dark to light, she can make her tail "shimmer" between the colors as a disctraction/defense mechanism but it also helps her communicate. It can also happen if she's experiencing a particularly strong emotion
-Taken on Basking Humback as a father figure