Second set is here : o)
A little headcanon lore about Fluttershy's tail <3
Remember the episode where Pinkie told Rainbow Dash it wouldn't be good to prank Fluttershy? In my headcanon, RD disregards it and pranks Flutters on her own because "they're friends, it's just harmless fun :D". RD made a mistake with a rain cloud and lightning struck in a bad way. It messed up Flutters' tail super bad to the point it had to have the burns cut off. RD obviously felt awful and did what she could to make it up to her friend. She made the brown paper butterflies and Pinkie helped by adding them to a ribbon to wrap Flutters' tail with it after it completely healed. Fluttershy tries to take it in stride and had the idea to use leaves and beads to spruce it up. Adding positive words and even words of memorial for the animals who have past in her care.
Fluttershy is on kind of questionable terms with RD, but she's doing her best to understand that RD meant no harm. Rainbow's been super protective of her ever since and it kind of makes it hard for Flutters. RD tends to brag about how she can protect Flutters from other dangers. Again, Fluttershy knows she's just trying to be there for her, but she feels smothered. It feels like RD's guilt over this is really beating her up inside. They have a fight about this at some point. Flutters reassuring RD that she forgives her, but Flutters isn't a damsel and whatnot. As well as needs time and space before thinking RD can just jump back into being as close as they once were.
Just wanted to share that. It felt necessary for that tail detail lol
Thanks for listening to my lil ramble, pancakes. (*ノ・ω・)ノ♫