The book was around here somewhere, he remembered it from the most recent “spring” clean last week. Melody’s Remedies for Magical Maladies vol 2 was a prized first edition. Had it been taken off the shelf? When? Who could’ve needed it, and what for? The things it contained cures for were ancient and rare diseases, parasites, and curses - and Spike hadn’t noticed anyone especially ill when in town stocking up on quill ink earlier that day. Spike couldn’t let the meticulous organization slip on his first stint solo caring for the library, and Twilight could be home at any minute. As the floorboards creaked under his every step, he stared intently at the shelves, his eyes attempting to pierce both the inky blackness of night and the bright haze of the candle light. His focus was unbroken. His mission was clear. He was going to finish this task. Nothing could keep him from it. Not the dark of the night, not the inconsistent flickering of the candle, and definitely not the thing hungrily staring at him from the deep shadows.
Infection AU? Monster in the library? Spike’s mind playing tricks on him? Who knows! All we know for sure is that Spike is probably about to have a really bad time!