- i couldn’t decide whether to have Stray Cat exist in this au or just have Clandestine make the air bubble bombs himself, so it’s really up to you guys. Schrodingers Stray Cat
- the reason Lucky Stars came to Morioat is a little different, since he doesn’t exactly have clairvoyant abilities like Joseph does they don’t really have a reason to bring him there, so he mostly just comes to connect with his son (friendship is magic)
- Clandie was impaled by the arrow, which made his magic go haywire and automatically do anything it could to protect him, which led to all the timey-wimey stuff
- the reason i changed the ambulance thing is cause everything in mlp is horse-drawn, so they definitely would’ve stopped before running over him lol
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Phantom Blood / Battle Tendency / Stardust Crusaders / Diamond is Unbreakable / Golden Wind / Stone Ocean