"But what if the mistress catches me? Your loaf was meant to satisfy her appetite!"
Hey everyone,
The filly pics are taking a back seat at present while I rework my plans for them, though it won't be long until I resume that project.
So, have another Lusty Alicorn Maid! You're... uh... welcome! XD
I haven't forgotten that I need to do the rest of the Mane 6 as maids, and some of my characters as well. Frazzle is one that people have been asking to see for quite a while, for example.
This particular outfit will be specifically Twilight's one, but I will base the outfits for the rest of the maids off of it- with specific little variations that will fit the personality of the character.
The next maid will be Pinkie Pie, and I already know exactly what base I'm going to use for it XD