![Size: 500x500 | Tagged: safe, artist:rumista, derpibooru import, oc, pony, unicorn, animated, commission, gif, image, snow, snowflake, solo, your character here](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2023/12/11/3116037/full.gif)
Price: 20$ (payment via PayPal invoice. Turn around time 2-3 days)
Customer recieves:
- 500 x 500px animated gif file
- 500 x 500px animated gif file 12fps version)
- 250 x 250 px animated gif file
- 1080 x 1080px FHD mp4 video file
-1080 x 1080px FHD png static image file
(sizes can be changed)
- Body markings +1-6$
- Different horn and/or ear type +1-3$
- Chlothes and accessories +1-7$ depending on complexity!
- Expression change +2-4$
- Custom background change: +10$
- Adding pre made background: 0$
- Background color change/ transparent background: 0$
- Background element changes: to be discuessed
- Extra animations: to be discuessed
- Different file types and sizes: +1-5$
My animations: sta.sh/2fnfaukppi
Discord: rumista01