THis time comes for everybody in some time. and it's come for me
I opened the pandora box with guns and this what i got after some time fidgeting with them
(no i don't own a gun yet and I don't i will)
i know the problem why this doesn't look right to somebody, I'm to lazy to fix
||The way an AR-15 works is that, the moment you fire the gun and the bolt starts moving back, it's going to ONLY go back forward if there is another round for it to take from the magazine. If the magazine is empty, it means it cannot load a new round, and thus the bolt remains back until you manually release it. If the gun was charged with the charging handle, while an empty magazine is in the gun, the bolt won't come back forward because there's no bullet for it to load, so it stays back until you first put in a loaded magazine/remove the magazine and THEN push the button||