[Imported from Ponybooru]
Original upload date: 2023-06-28T02:56:00Z
Original uploader: A0IISA
Had an idea of farming mare for snowponies, to grow food during the summers, inspired by the Alaskans farmers able to grow MASSIVE vegetables and fruits due to sun not going down least 20 hours the day during the summer.
She might be called "Summer Green".
Figured she does most of the work her parents farm by the Snowpitt. Haven't gotten ideas of she has more of family.
A quick little green hashed together with idea of two farm girls meeting up.
>Applejack is walking through a large field just seeing all the massive crops that make the produces she saw in competitions look pathetic
>"How the hay does one grow all of this to these sizes?" AJ ponders as she looks closer of a "cabbages"
>"Warmth, water, talking, and lots of sun." A mare with green bandana and scarf appears
>"[mare's name here], I take you are one of outsiders from beyond the mountains?"
>"Yea, ah'm Applejack, you grow all of these by 'ourself?"
>"Yes, well not all by myself these are my parents fields but I'm doing most of the work here, you could say we keep the whole village fed through the winters."
>"Huh, ma'h family have an apple farm back in Ponyville, 'nd last time we grew anything this big, it was an apple for a competition, though Ah had to sacrifice it for a friend."
>the mare stares curiously
>"Um, I'm sorry but... What is an apple?"
>silly pony noises of horror
>cue next time AJ comes to Snowpitt, she brings few apple trees with her because nopony deserves to not have a chance to have a taste of good apple in their life.