Artist's description:
Daughter of Maud Pie and Starlight Glimmer!
The first thing most notice about Stella is the large and various scars she has. Stella has always resembled her aunt Pinkie Pie, in both a literal and mental sense. She was (and still is) cheerful at every opportunity, and always tried to make a new friend. That’s why when with on an underground expedition with her mom and brother, six year old Stella saw no issue in confronting a rabid diamond dog. Maud and Onyx to this day blame themselves, Stella assures then if it was anyone’s fault it was hers. Now 14, Stella still walks with a limp, with mild PTSD, but she presses on. Stella is still as bubbly (maybe even more so) than she was before the accident. She loves to help her mothers and aunts, she greets everyone with a smile, her favorite pass time is tending to the school of Friendships courtyard.
Though open and friendly, Stella tends to gravitate and hang out with creatures her own age like Bittersweet, Pacific Rose, Giavanna, Cerulean Snap, Oveure and Elytron, her brother Onyx Daze is an exception.
Why would you hate Stella? Trick question. No one does.