Well, got a very small turnout on this one, but still got enough to work with. I guess I'll just copy/pasta what :iconautinbrony; wrote as all by the last one came from him.
"very light blue eyes. Light Gray coat. Shiny silvery mane. Light blue highlighted tips.
Is a 1/2 sister to Derpy And Is currently employed as a maid to the richest cheese making family in the pony version of Wisconsin. her special talent is giving great massages. In fact this was the actual real reason she was hired as a maid.
Truth be told she's an awful maid. However the husband of the family she works for didn't want to explain to his wife that he hired another mare to be his personal massage therapist.
She enjoys cooking and cleaning and contacting Derpy from time to time. And there is a bumper car demolition Derby just a few blocks from where she lives that she visits constantly. Ironically she hates cheese despite living in the primary cheese producing area of equestria. And she is inexplicably and extremely afraid of anything squid.She won't explain why , but if she's using tentacles she is running . Somehow octopuses are fine .
her quirk is that she had a really hard time holding things compared to normal ponies . For whatever reason things just don't like to stick to her hooves the way they do for others ."
I'm not sure about the name he suggested, but it is pretty much his character now, so maybe. I did add that she likes to wear sweaters, 'cause they are fluffy, cozy, and warm.
Hopefully I'll get a large drawing of her and Derpy playing around with phones later tonight.