Days after he arrived at his real home and stayed with his grandfather Yang and his big brother Wong, until he realized the fate of his parents, after they died in the fateful battle against the leader of darkness and evil spirit De-Ming, Spike was affected by this, shocked by hearing this news, but at the same time he realized something that was not Lula would have expected him to see his family picture, where he saw that his parents were from a noble family until his brother intervened with the explanation, saying: Brother, you are not an ordinary dragon, only you descend from the first noble dynasty that assumed leadership and management of the affairs of the kingdom of dragons 1000 years ago, so your father is the son of your grandfather and your grandfather is the son of the legendary dragon Yang ..... If that is true, does that mean..... Yes, you are the heir of the family and the descendant of the Long's noble family... Spike did not verify the veracity of what was said about him until the ruler of dragons summoned him, so he told him the secret of the family and confessed before him, bowing to him Out of respect and appreciation for the tremendous efforts made by his family and his blessed ancestors over the years that preserved the strength and status of the Kingdom among the kingdoms of the world.