Greetings everypony! Darkblaze back again with another piece of MLP fan art! This time, we’re featuring a character created by fellow MLP fandom member STTPStudios, a phenomenal fanfic narrator with a broad and highly versatile spectrum of voice work to his name. To commemorate such a talented vocal performer, I wanted to immortalize his main OC, Materlia Harvest, in my own art style, which turned into the art you see above!
You can find STTPSTudios over on Youtube via his main fanfic channel (https://www.youtube.com/@StraightToThePointStudio) or his gameplay channel (https://www.youtube.com/@rabo9d592) as well as on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Rabo9D) and other linked sites within!
Overall, I’m pleased with how this piece turned out and hope I gave justice to implementing as much detail as possible into this character. In addition to his MLP narrations, he also uses his voice talents to troll video game players via his YouTube alias, Rabo9D, so I figured I’d bring some reference to that via the headset and game controller that Materlia possesses. Hope you enjoy your OC art, Rabo, and until next time, always remember: DON’T SILENCE CREATIVITY!