Sometimes Applejack likes to work late. But, on the night of all nights, a familiar shy pony has once again fallen into her bat-like habit. While quietly observing her friend work, Flutterbat is about to pull a little prank on her...
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Flutter-bat (happy) Plz "That was a good joke, right Applejack?"
MLP Applejack (Angry) Plz "Ugh! Again with this here 'Appletini' nonsense?!"
Flutter-bat (happy) Plz "Well you look pretty cute like that." Fluttershy to Flutterbat "And delicious..."
Unamused Applejack plz "Sigh! Do Ah need to guess wut happens next?"
Does Flutterbat have something more in mind than just pranking Applejack? ;)