Sunset Shimmer decided to enjoy a relaxing day sunbathing at the beach. Unaware of mysterious tremors emitting beneath her...
Discord: (Appears in a flash) "You bellowed?"
Twilight: "Discord! I'm SO glad you're here! Look at this! I REALLY ned your help!"
Discord: (Sees the chaos at the beach) "Oh my, this is terrible!"
Twilight: "I know, right?! Can you do something?!!"
Discord: "Indeed I can!" (Snaps his fingers making popcorn, soda and chairs appear) "Now we can enjoy the show. I love these cheesy Summer Horror movie flicks!"
Requested by :iconbagginos:
If it's not being eaten by a siren Sonata at sea, it's being eaten by tatzlwurms on the beach. Why can't Sunset have a pleasant summer? ;
And yes, I know... Pretty sure "someone who has seen enough hentai" is going to say it in the comments ; ; ;
And don't worry about Sunset. Twilight is going to get her out of that worm somehow ^