redoing some designs and by extension bios for my nextgen ponies
Princess Stormdrop Midnight Sparkle
(she/her, cis, lesbian)
-daughter of Twilight, rainbow dash, and flutershy. she was born through magic so she is equal parts all of them genetically
-Was born a unicorn and became an alicorn when she revolutionized the equestrian weather system (more on that in the future). her special talent is weather magic and coordination
-her cutie mark does not extend down her leg for an unknown reason, she doesnt mind too much since it keeps her from attracting too much attention in public
-she has batpony traits from twilight and fluttershy, and this coupled with her coat color reminds many of a younger princess luna
-has autism and generalized anxiety, and is often nonverbal. she has worked with other disabled ponies to make a universal sign language that is now taught all over the empire
-has a longtime girlfriend, a ponyville pegasus named hurricane heart (Hurricane Heart)