Spark's important message of the day: Don't hit fillies.
Or else this will happen to you.
"I slammed into him, knocking him to the ground. I grabbed him by his mane and held him up in front of me, "YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO TREAT FILLIES WITH RESPECT!"
I then slammed my head into his, instantly breaking his snout. I then drug him across the ground to one of the trash bins and slammed him into the side of it. I lifted him up and put his head between it and the lid. I then began to slam the trash bins lid into his head, yelling at him about how to treat a filly.
Once that was done, and I could see that he was barely conscious, I lifted him up and dumped him in the trash bin.
I spat on him and glared, "Now you're where you belong, with the trash." I slammed the lid shut and let out a ragged breath."