just some fluff I've had in my files for a while ><
AJ and Fluttershy are very gentle, and they will usually show their love behind closed doors. They both love snuggles, and sometimes the less words the better. Being the two largest/tallest of the six, there's enough to cuddle for the other. AJ shows affection in cooking and baking as well, mostly coming in tasty apple treats or comfort foods from her childhood.
Rainbow is the polar opposite, she loves showing off her wives and committing pdas. She's not afraid to make a scene, and Rarity likes this attention the most. It gives her a rush of feelings, and she gets that "yeah, that's my wife" smirk on her face that can't be wiped off. Together the two are unapologetically romantic.
Pinkie is the talker, and Twilight is the listener. She can read books or write while listening to her girl jabber on and on. Pinkie is also very physically affectionate, hugs and kisses are the norm. Gifts and sweets are also in order. Twilight enjoys all her wives, and likes how different they act. She's so grateful for them every day of the year, even if she can't put that feeling into words. They know it too.