Produced by Dissonant Reality Corp™ and distributed by Fairly Cheap Fairy™, the woonbot model is your own personal ponebot companion, mental health support, and servant. She's capable of emulating emotions and feeling empathy to others.
The woonbot model also contains a small magical crystal inside it's horn, allowing her to cast a lot spells- though with a limit on to which spells she chose cast. The crystal itself is charged by electricity, so no need to remotely remove her horn and replace it.
Her body is made out of soft yet durable material, and her artificial mane and tail feel completely real, almost like a real filly!
Best of all, is her state of the art AI personality. She has a toggleable Woona.ai personality program which can be toggled on or off, allowing her to act and be like Woona whenever you wish. NOTE: While Woona.ai is turned on, the woonbot model will NOT recognize itself as a robot and will believe itself to be a real filly. DO NOT tell the AI personality that it is not a real pony and expose it as a robot, the outcome may create unpredictable results.