Aalst, the Blade of Society. Created in desperation against a great evil threat long ago, passed down through Tartarus and back. The spectral figure you see before you is the amalgamation of 1,800+ souls of unicorns, the shards of their soul and spirit all conjoining together to create one super-soul within the sword, a single conscious individual sharing the magic, personalities and memories of every unicorn who had their soul put within the blade.
They go by the name "Aalst". They have great power at their disposal, and even moreso when wielded by someone of great skill. Aalst is wielded by Veen Sundown, against the demon and Calamitous threat of the Modern Ertisia age.
Aalst is created by an off-realm magical alloy called Mirakulum (nearly 1,990,000 times more durable than steel, practically impervious), able to take upon aspects and properties of different energies and magic. It is highly flexible with all kinds of magic and enchantments.
Aalst is capable of manifesting from their own blade, being able to wield themselves against other threats that wish to take and use them for their own personal gain.