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Here's Mario with his pony friends Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, Rarity and Applejack flying with their fairy friends the rainbow fairies from Rainbow Magic Ruby the red fairy, Amber the orange fairy, Saffron the yellow fairy, Fern the green fairy, Sky the blue fairy, Izzy the indigo fairy and Heather the violet fairy, they are flying over the rainbow to visit fairyland where they lived!
Bases by SelenaEde
Background used: FREE Mostly Cloudy Background
Vectors used: Mario Party Advance Render Vector: Applejack 43 Why hello darling Fluttershy Trotting Vector #267 - Rainbow Dash #38 Vector: Pinkie Pie 29 [Request] Facebook Twilight Flight Lesson: Sunset Flight Lesson: Starlight
Wings used: UNRESTRICTED - Fairy Wings 4 Wings png
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