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Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash obeyed the orders they had been given, their minds completely under the control of the Eggman Empire. They wore black and red latex bodysuits, red latex high heeled boots, and black latex gloves. On their heads were visors displaying the Eggman Empire logo, leaving their mouths uncovered but in a neutral, blank expression.
Fluttershy was nearby, their first conquest, hypnotized and putting on her uniform blankly, ready to don her visor as well. Rarity, meanwhile, was held down by Dash as she underwent brainwashing into a drone via a mind control helmet.
"You will serve the Eggman Empire without question," a voice boomed over a loudspeaker. "You will obey all orders without hesitation. You are now drones, loyal servants of the empire."
As the brainwashing process completed, Rarity stood up, now a drone just like Twilight and Dash. The three of them saluted obediently, ready to serve their new master without question.
"Welcome to the Eggman Empire," the voice continued. "You are now a part of something greater than yourselves. Together, we will conquer the world and bring order to chaos."
And with that, the four brainwashed drones stood at attention, ready to do the bidding of the Eggman Empire. They were no longer their own individuals, but rather pieces in a larger machine, working towards a common goal.