Artist's comment:
Luna walked briskly up to the air lock leading to the main hangar. It was either tribute to the courage of the 2 guards assigned to watch over the airlock, or it was sign of their lack of intelligence. Still they stood their ground in front of the sliding door and the control panel for it.
Luna came to a stop about 10ft in front of the 2 guards. For several seconds all parties remained silent. The alicorn's stare seemed to bore into the 2 luckless ponies. For their part the guards met her gaze. The princess spoke first.
"Step aside and let me enter the dock." The mare said with a soft but cold voice.
"Sorry your Highness!" The guard to her left blurted out. We've been instructed to deny entry to the main hangar to everypony!"
Luna scowled. "Who gave this order? Tell me? Now." There was a subtle growl in her voice.
The guard on her right now spoke up. "Your Highness! This order was given by your sister. She wants nopony to leave the academy at this time!" The pegasus then said softly. "Sorry ma'am."
The alicorn slowly took a step back. "That order may be true for other ponies, but as the co-ruler of the realm and the academy. Therefore I overrule my sister's hasty, ill considered instructions. Now! Step aside. I have business to conduct offworld.
Two guards shivered but stood their ground. The left guard spoke up again. "Your Highess! Your sister's instruction were very, very specific. We're not allowed to let anypony enter the hangar. Um, if you wish to take it up with your sister that's your choice."
I one smooth gesture Luna drew and activated both of her light sabers. Holding the pose she glared at the guards. "Do you oppose me? She held the pose. "Well do you?"
A patron reward of and it continues my series of Anthro MLP/Star Wars crossover art