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I know Im a little late to the party since we are post-ghost, post-derpy, post-.mov series, post-season 3, fighting is magic is cancelled, Hasbro seems busy doing their best to run their intellectual property into the ground to sell toys, and there are probably some other things that are not on the top of my head of that would leave a bitter taste in ones mouth. But Ive persevered in the face of all that, and decided to create a pony-sona anyways (even if things only get worse, I think I could sever ties with MLP and still make him kind of like reploid/maverick from the megaman X games). I think I still wanted to do a hagfish scientist, but Ive basically split him in half with some other elements thrown in, and Stheno is one of the halfs (heh.I wonder how many people will get why I picked his first and last name without googling it, a bit of a stretch, but I couldnt find a better Latin based psychological term)
Anyways, this guy kind of represents my desire to hulkify/corrupt EVERYTHING and my love of illegally and horrifyingly Photoshopping other peoples stuff for fun. Some really good illustrator practice here (everything but the text is straight up vectors believe it or not, though there are blur effects and gradients that were generated from these vectors) and I got a better feel for some of the characters.
I’m trying to set up a tumblr thing, though I have little idea how it works, and I probably (read:definitely) can’t keep it updated consistently. http://stheno-initiative.tumblr.com/ I didn’t set it up to ask any questions, but still I figured I should break into the tumblr verse just because I really like some of the content there. I think brutaloo is one of my faves, I need to follow that one now that I have one of those Tumblr accounts.
And for people who dont get the joke in the title:
Also just because you all are so special an encore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R0Z\_S\_-6PQ
also I almost forgot, shout out to baroncoon for inspiring the death grin on applebomb’s face as she gets her brand new cutie mark! seriously his corruption and body horror segments are amazing, the heartwarming stuff is awesome and cute too but it’s his horror scenes that made an impression on me.