Originally posted on: December 16, 2019, 3:24 PM UTC
Lunar does like you Base Edit
After Aurora tried to have fun with her older sister Lunar, Lunar shooed her away. Aurora thinks Lunar doesn't like her and goes to her room but finds Lunar's twin sister, and her other older sister, Solar inside. The two greet each other and Solar realizes something is wrong. Aurora tells her about her problem with Lunar and tells Solar she wishes Lunar had been the sister to move to the Crystal Empire. Solar explains that even though Lunar doesn't show it all the time, she does care for her little sister. And that one day Lunar will show it.
Some more of Aurora's life growing up in Canterlot. This scene would take place a little while before Lunar and Solar become alicorns. Which is why Solar's mane is begining to blur together.
Hope you enjoy!