Yet another lovely piece showing more stage 1 fusions that are comprised from these 2 alicorn fusion mares here: "https://sta.sh/024gwwhe8av6":https://sta.sh/024gwwhe8av6
As such stemming from the mare known as Earthing Elements, her two component mares and stage 1 fusions Glossy Granite and Gentle Breeze. Starting with Glossy, the mare that comprises Twilight Velvet and Cloudy Quartz is a rather interesting blend of minds. On one hand you have the orderly and by the book attitude of Cloudy Quartz, giving Glossy the mindset to keep her household in order, cleaned to perfection and to overall keep a uniformed regiment the likes of her former husband Igneous Rock Pie (now part of Evening Emeralds). While that may be all good, her Twilight Velvet half is able to bring her back down to earth from her militarized earth pony attitude. The kind and gentle former unicorn's personality gives Glossy the motherly and loving element that although existing is not expressed as often by her other earth pony half. Such give Glossy Granite a loving and reassuring personality open and welcoming with a warming heart, yet can be stern and orderly when the situation demands for it.
On the other hand there is another contrasting fusion in the form of Gentle Breeze, though sharing the name of the former husband of Gentle's Posey Shy half, seems it suits her just fine. Her attitude tends to phase back and forth between her Posey Shy side and her Windy Whistles side. From open, boisterous, and energetic Windy Whistles side, to her secluded, quiet, timid, and very shy behavior of her Posey Shy side. Gentle Breeze being a temperamental mare that has her own moments of excitement and energy before recalling herself and restraining her enthusiasm for her timid/retreated behavior. All the while being a loving and caring mother figure looking to keep the ponies she knows happy.
Across from the the mom's there are another pair of fusion mares, the like of which would make up the mare known as Princess Healing Glory. The mares in name being Exquisite Attire and Instant Care. First being Exquisite Attire, the double unicorn fusion being a stickler for perfection, seeking such in all elements of herself. Priding herself on the ego's and skills in both the fashion industry and modelling business, Exquisite tends to make sure she is the best mare she can physically be. taking all necessary precautions to ensure her appearance is not tarnished and that the quality of her performances and her products be the same high level of pristine. Fueled by the hunger her Sassy Saddles and Fleur Dis Le sides give her, she has her eyes set fot dominating her passions for many years to come.
All the while Instant Care is busy even tending to ponies injuries at the beach or pool. The part time nurse and ex wonderbolt taking the mantle of being lifeguard for all the ponies that attend the hospitals gymnasium and pool area, assisting those whom need either rehab or are recovering from injuries. Of course there are those few cynical yet mischievous old stallions that purposely leave a bottle of meds or other items on the floor by "accident" when walking away after their swimming or fitness session prompting the busty curvy mare to go and pick them up as her job entails her to. Giving such geezers a view of what she packs, that is before she of course lectures the absolute daylights out of them and then takes further frustrations out on the gymnasiums heavy bag. Further allowing her Redheart and Lightning Dust components to vent their stress out during such occasions and days
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