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+Captured Spies II+
[*[_LD: I can't believe you tried sneaking in through the ventilation shaft, that has to be the oldest trick in the book! I have to hand it to you though Agent Dusk, very entertaining!
AD: You won't get away with this!!
LD: I'm afraid we already have, as we have already captured your other friends I'm fairly sure you are all out of options at this point. Oh and I'm keeping this gun by the way
AD: Spits in LD's face
LD: I think a few solitary hours in this cell will put you right! Oh and don't try to use magic, that handy little ring on your head has taken care of that!... To be continued??_]*]
This is a continuation of sorts of the previous piece I did with Starlight and Octavia, I never originally intended to make a sequel of sorts to the Captured spies piece I did many months ago but I liked the scenario and the very thin story thread I put together seemed to fir the bill. I'm toying with the idea of putting a full fic together in this universe if you like but no promises...
This probably the most ambitious piece I've done yet, as a few of the assets I actually made myself to test my skills In Blender. The whole prison room, cells and doors I modelled entirely myself and I utilised C0 textures taken from
The rest of the furniture assets I used from
Both of these are fantastic websites for 3D art, loads of options available to use I strongly recommend them!
The metal bondage cangue on Sunsets neck I also modelled myself along with the updated magic suppression ring, if there is enough demand I may release these for public download but again no promises.
Costumes kindly provided by Jdash, many thanks to him!
Will I make a sequel? Who knows lets see how it goes I may move onto other ideas first but again if the demand is there.....