"Where are we?" Fluttershy asked, mostly to herself. The pegasus looked around the space as she studied the walls. The cave's huge walls were adorned with cave paintings of all kinds. As she looked at the primitive artwork, Fluttershy took notice of many paintings depicting stories about many ancient pony tribes that had peacefully coexisted with Titans.
"So it is true.... the ancient tribes did live alongside Titans...." Fluttershy stated to herself. As she walked further, she took notice of a huge cave painting depicting a giant saurian Titan battling with a equally giant multi-limbed Titan. The saurian Titan shared an uncanny resemblance to Godzilla. Fluttershy figured out the reptilian creature depicted in the painting was definitely a member of Godzilla's species. The other Titan was not as easy to identify. It did have resemblance to the giant Titan that tried to kill Fluttershy and Godzilla earlier. However, the multi-limbed Titan had a much bulkier build and it's arms were huge, sporting what looked like large muscular growths on them. It perplexed Fluttershy to no end, that was for sure. Regardless, Fluttershy decided Twilight needed to be alerted of this development.
Godzilla (c) Toho/Legendary
Fluttershy (c) Hasbro