Originally posted on: Thu, 07 Jan 2021 14:41:11 GMT
's post 🌿🌚✨Part 3
Before Sia returned to her room, she heard the voice of her friend Galaxia in front:
G: Sia, you're a little late today, I'll spend those ...
She didn't finish, as she noticed the basket that Sia was holding.
The gamut of emotion on her face was priceless.
S: I can explain!
G: Stop! Okay, baby? How long have you been hiding it? Why am I learning about it now !?
S: Galaxia, calm down, this is not my child.
G: Then whose?
S: That's just the point, I don't know
G: How is it?
S: This baby was found near the main gate of the castle, we don't know whose it is.
H: So what should we do with her... I forgot crown and cutiemark🥴Used:
Gelexy (@___galaxia )
Sia(by me)❌ Credit me if you repost🚫‼️
Author: @sia.brony 🖤💛Tags:
#lusterdawn #mylittlepony #mlp #mlpseason9 #friendshipismagic #mylittleponythemovie #equestriagirls #princesstwilightsparkle #twilightsparkle #rainbowdash #fluttershy #pinkieple #applejack #rarity #spike #celestia #cadence #mlpnext #art #lusterdawn #mlplover #mlplovers #flashsentryxtwilightsparkle #instagramart#cozyglow #lusterdawn #mylittlepony #mip #mipseason9 #friendship magic #mylittleponythemovie #equestriagiris #princesstwilightsparkle #twilightsparkle #rainbowdash #fluttershy #pinkiepie #applejack #rarity #spike #siasparkle