"Hmm... yes, you'll be a perfect model... except one thing... you are simply far too skinny!"
The massive mare smiles down at you from the platform, a tidal wave of green and light grey blubber looming above you. Her dress, one that you've seen in numerous magazines months prior, looks more like a tube top, struggling to contain the wobbly rolls that billowed out like wet clay. Where once this dress had been a flowing, well formed piece, the fabric bunched and clung to her juicy rolls, massive breasts and vast bingo wings. Several tears were apparent, allowing all that trapped flab to ooze out, placing additional stress on the buckling seams and stitching.
Tittering, her tubby hands squeezed and fondled a few rolls, wobbling her entire form like a jelly. "I need somepony to help retool my clothing to accommodate more generous proportions. Which, if you couldn't tell, means extrodinarily obese; probably higher than sextuple XL."
Her horn ignites, and something moves overhead. Wrapped in the amber coloured aura, a large hose came forth, dripping a pink hued liquid.
"Now, open up dear. Lets see if we can't get you to 700 pounds at least~"
-Copied from commissioners upload