nihilagis said:
Well, I guess there's no particular reason to go home for the time being, so let's get to Starfalls right away. Along the way, ask Moonflower what kind of character this Oracle is.
You decide to start with answering the summon. You enter the Everfree Forest, and begin to follow the road east. On the way, you ask Moonflower about the Oracle.
Moonflower: "Oh, right! You dunno 'bout that. So, uh, the Oracle is kinda like the leader of the Starfalls Clan. She's super wise, and got special magic powers and stuff!
But I heard she's gettin' old, so she's supposed to get a vision of the Chosen One, and send 'em on a trial to become the new Oracle. Eeeeee‼ I hope it's gonna be me!"
You begin to feel hungry.