“We’re pals, right?”
Celestia laughed. “Right.”
“We’ll always be together, right?”
Silence. “…Sunny, let me tell you something my mother told me.
Look at the stars…”
Saw the new live action Lion King earlier this week and it’s still in my head ;-;
Empress Celestia decided to take a late night walk. Unfortunately, she had no concept of bedtimes, and brought her toddler daughters along when they asked to join. She’s not a bad mother, but she’s really trying to be a good one c:
Little baby Twilight got tired soon after, but Little Sunny was too excited to sleep.
Cue some mother daughter bonding moment
I actually hate how this turned out but after many attempts at fixing it I’m just so done
Like, something just feels so wrong… Probably the perpective lol. That’s where I really wanted the moon to be though.
Hope you like it anyways? :’ D