I’ll level with you, I couldn’t actually think of one today so I just went real sad cause that comes very easy and we probably shouldn’t get into what that says about me.
Credit List
Hugs by MasemJ www.deviantart.com/masemj/art/…
Flurryheart by LimeDazzle www.deviantart.com/limedazzle/…-<span class="caps">AND</span>-<span class="caps">NOBODY</span>-<span class="caps">CANT</span>-<span class="caps">STOP</span>-ME-676605366
Crystal Ball by VectorShy www.deviantart.com/vectorshy/a…
Background by PumpkinHipHop www.deviantart.com/pumpkinhiph…
I swear it’ll go back to funny and uplifting from tomorrow onwards I SWEAR
NEXT-<span class="caps">COMING</span> SOON
not provided yet