“Well howdy-do Miss Cheerilee! What brings ya’ to our farm? My young’n ain’t been no trouble has she?” a slightly aged Applejack chimed suddenly, strolling over to a standing fence to lean against it. Her young foal “Clarabelle Apple” toddled along behind her, confusion plastered on their face as to why their teacher was there.
Were they in trouble? Was there a parents evening they’d forgotten about? Were there concerns about their grades? Only one way to find out.
Applejack flashed her charming smile at Cheerilee, which only lead to internal fangirling from the school teacher. Her cheeks flushed pink as she tried to gather her thoughts to answer the beautiful mare before her. “U-uh, howdy to you too AJ! Little Clarabelle’s been an angel as always so don’t fret,” she grinned awkwardly.
“I was actually shopping in town and remembered I had to p-pick up some- er- cider for my sister’s birthday! You know Berry Punch, one heck of a fan of the Apple family cider!” she chuckled.
/What in Tarturus’ name was that doe doe blabberin’ on ‘bout? It’s clear as day she’s lyin’! What’s she got to hide?/ Clara thought to themselves, giving Cheerilee a suspicious glare. Cheerilee could feel the daggers from the filly, but paying attention to it would just be cause for more anxiety than she could handle.
Applejack was blissfully unaware of what was going on, with Cheerilee or with Clarabelle, she was just happy to see an old friend again. Especially one she’d been quietly admiring for the entirety of the nervous display. She was so in awe in fact that she’d failed to see Cheerilee had no satchel to have come with the intent of collecting anything, or to have been shopping prior. She hadn’t made an order either. To add on, she and Berry Punch didn’t actually get along very well. Nor was it Berry’s birthday.
These weren’t things Clara was blind to, however.
“I’d be happy to fix yer sis somethin’ up then Cheers! How ‘bout you follow me and we can catch up while I sort her out some cider, unless y’all’ve got stuff to do?” Applejack spoke eagerly.
Cheerilee’s smile widened, her heart fluttering. The last time she’d felt like this was when she was in highschool, crushing on the class jock. She was yet to realise that unless she came clean soon, that day would become Berry’s birthday, but it’d all be a matter for another day. Right now she wanted to enjoy spending time with the farmer. “Oh no I’d be more than happy to tag along, lead the way!”
Applejack hopped off the fence and looked down to Clarabelle, still not seeing the scowl on their face, and cheerfully said, “Sugarcube how ‘bout ya go off and play with Dandy Mac and yer aunty Macey, you can be done with your chores for the day. Mama’s just got some business to attend to, as ya might’ve heard,” she smiled softly.
Clarabelle stared back, Miss Cheerilee was up to something, and they for sure didn’t like it, but not much could be done from their position. They hesitantly nodded then set off, making sure to look over their shoulder a few times as they walked to watch where their mama and teacher were going.
What was she planning?
not provided yet