Before Princess Young Heart, their were Sparkling Apples and Sweet Scoooter, two adorable and curious fillies created via fusion from 4 other adorable, young and innocent fillies (Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky Hooves). Sparkling Apples being ever the curious yet clumsy unicorn earth pony filly whom attempts to learn her magical abilities and harness her magical potential all the while sticking to her natural apple farming abilities. Showing how the curiosity of both her Applebloom and her Dinky sides can combine into an even more curious filly. Sweet Scooter on the other hand is a more shy filly, though she still carries the bouts of excitement that her Scootaloo component thrills for much to her Sweetie Belle’s side dismay’s creating an adorable energetic girl if that both is brash and thrill seeking while also timid and shy.
Written by :iconpledus: