The girls for the first time realized what the Elements really meant and got the spark. With this spark, they work together to defeat a villain, possibly Nightmare Moon.
A possible AU where instead of Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. Our O.C.‘s take their place.
Small Brooke (My O.C.): Magic
Lilac (Victor’s O.C.): Honesty
Shatter (Mine): Loyalty
Heart Crown (Victor’s O.C.): Generosity
Windblade (Mine): Kindness
Heart Mouse (Victor’s O.C.): Laughter
And here we have from left to right, Heart Crown, Shatter, Heart Mouse, Lilac, and Windblade. Small Brooke is the very front, wearing the crown. Their elements are in the shape of their Cutie Marks.
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