I know a lot of people know that My Little Pony Friendship is Magic was originally going to be called My Little Pony Adventures and was going to use G1 Ponies. But due to Hasbro’s ownership of G1 expiring (I think) they couldn’t reuse the G1 cast (Except for Applejack and Spike) and the name “Firefly” was copyrighted some where around 2002.
I thought “What if Friendship is Magic debuted in 1999 instead of 2010?” so I made this out of that thought.
Here is what I think it would be if MLP FiM debuted in 1999, it would probably be a lot closer to what Lauren Faust envisioned. And it’d probably have a much better run. And it’d probably also get a few video games.
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Credit goes out to providers of used content