*Page 1477 – Lost in the Crowd*
2nd Jan 2021, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2Made it into 2021, woo.
I’ll admit, I like coming up with narrative and gameplay gimmicks for fights. Combat lasts so long anyway, might as well make it more interesting. I’ve done enough actual wargaming (De Bellis Multitudinis anyone?) that I don’t really want to rely on the “simulation” experience.
DM: Bad news, the changelings are acting first. Good news, they’re not going to use their turns to damage or hinder you in any way.
Rainbow Dash: Good! Then I’m up next, and I’m gonna rage!
DM: Lemme just…
Rainbow Dash: And then I’m gonna charge at–! Wait, what? Why does this token have… me on the other side?
DM: Every changeling in the horde sacrifices their Initiative to transform into one of you.
Fluttershy: Well, this is basically my worst nightmare…
Applejack: Ah, that’s why you were so careful settin’ ‘em down.
Rarity: Oh wow. That’s a lot of… us.
Pinkie Pie: Multiple Pinkies? Hmmm…
Twilight Sparkle: What’s on the backs of our tokens?
Rainbow Dash: Uhhh… Looks like the normal red border for Bloodied.
DM: From now on, no flipping them over to check. The only way to know is by attacking. Hope you’re good at keeping track!