[==“Junebug! Yah gettin’ those knots outta yer mane? Ya wanna be good to-” Applejack called merrily down the hall as she trotted towards her daughter’s room, her smile falling as she pushed the door aside and saw the small filly sitting by the window, hastily trying to wipe the obvious tears from her cloudy eyes.
The orange mare slowly closed the door behind her, looking upon Juniper with concern. “June? Why’re yah cryin’ honey? Y’all should be delighted, your cuteceañera is tomorrow! An’ yer cousin is finally feelin’ well enough to go!”
AJ trotted over to the small blue filly, June turning her head away and looking ashamed. Her mother sat beside her, lifting a hoof and wrapping it gently around her shoulders. The girl sighed, leaning into the older pony and nuzzling her chest.
“Ah’m sorry, Mama. Ah’m real happy, ah promise – ‘specially since Chryssi is okay now. Ah just…ah just was kinda wishin’ when ah got it, it was gonna be somethin’ with an apple. Jus’…so ah can be more strong and brave like you. Feel more like an…Apple.” Juniper Berry said quietly, giving a halfhearted shrug. Applejack blinked in surprise before lifting her forelegs and scooping her daughter up into a tight hug, burying her nose in the mane so much like her own.
“Brave? You are already brave, Juniper. You just traveled farther than ah ever had at yer age and risked a heck of a lot to try and save yer cousin. Chryssi is alive because of you. And heck, you and ah aren’t the only brave ponies in this family! Your daddy doesn’t have an apple for a cutie mark, but he’s very strong and catches bad guys. Yer Aunt Belle has a cute li’l cupcake, and she’s faced off some pretty big bullies. What about yer Aunt Shy and Pinkie?” Applejack’s nuzzles tickled the filly, making her giggle.
“Okay, okay, ah get it, ah get it!” Juniper laughed, sniffling and wiping the last of her tears away. “Chryssi said it kinda looks like Pa’s. Ah can’t wait to show him tomorrow.”
“Heh, heh, he’s going to be very impressed. And y’know what else?” AJ offered. “Mah mama’s cutie mark was a jar with pear jam inside. And she would be beside herself with pride if she knew how brave you are – just like ah am. You’re an Apple to the core, sugarcube.”
Juniper couldn’t help the smile on her muzzle, tightening her own forelegs around her mother. “Ah love ya, mommy. And ah’m real excited for tomorrow.”
and before anyone asks, yes, Ash Bark shed quite a few tears (er, liquid pride) over his daughter’s beautiful cutie mark.==]