“And then I threw a rock at him!”
This idea came to me somewhere in April, where somebody linked the above video in the stream I visit for pony episodes. [it was probably me, I forgot.]
So then I was like “Hey guys, what if I make a pony version of this?“
After brainstorming with my companions for a good while, we decided that Maud Pie would be Killer Croc, Maneiac would be Poison Ivy, Ahuizotl would be Penguin, Discord would be Joker, and Chrysalis would be Two-Face.
While I [sort of] struggled with my motivational issues, I managed to get as much work dome as possible during my motivation spikes. While I am ashamed that it took me probably three or four weeks to finish it since I picked up the project that I finished on paper somewhere near the start of May, I am relieved, exhausted, and proud that I actually managed to finish it today.
Now that this disproportionately large project is out of the way, I am free to do commissions for the rest of the summer! [And hopefully I’ll have enough time between classes once school starts up in September.] I may need to update my commission info list since I got this tablet from my brother a month ago.
An animated version of panel 9 will come out soon. Maybe.
-Kommissar bAv, 12/07/14