Commissioned by :iconweirdkev-27:
He commissioned me to draw the Bone Cousins(from left to right, Phoney Bone, Smiley Bone and Fone Bone) from Jeff Smith’s graphic novel Bone (which happens to be my favorite Book). Before drawing this I had to think of which elements of the Bone cousins to pony-fy and which elements from the original designs to keep the same. I decided to give them pony noses instead of their traditional big round noses because I didn’t want it to look like I just took the Bone cousin’s heads and put them on pony bodies (that would just look weird). The elements I did keep from the original designs were their clothes, their eyes and their lack of hair (once again the Bones with hair would just look weird). I think I found a happy medium between the two styles.
It actually took me awhile to decide on which cutie mark to give Fone Bone before I settled on a map. I actually asked a friend of mine what she thought his cutiemark should be and her response was “Not poetry” (it’s a reference that makes sense if you’ve read the comic).