“These are my interpretations of the pony tribe leaders back when Equestria was founded, as told in the holiday episode, “Hearth’s Warming Eve”! Commander Hurricane of the Pegasi, Chancellor Puddinghead of the Earth Ponies, and Princess Platinum of the Unicorns! Had a lot of fun trying to find the characters and who they would actually be in this legend. Let’s just say that I think Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity did a great job representing these Tribe leaders! ;)
(I should mention that this Princess Platinum is not entirely of my own design. I took a lot of reference from this artist’s interpretation in this piece: http://emkay-mlp.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Platinum-Interpretation-359920402
I have more art for you darlings on the way! Keep a look out! :la:” – Graystripe64