Name: Amber Sprout
Nickname: Amber, Sprout
Age: Mare, twenty-eight // deceased
Relatives: Cloudy Quartz (half-sister), Granny Pie (mother), Maple Blooms (Father), Applejack, Big Macintosh, Applebloom
Talent: Finding the best part of the soil to plant plants.
Backstory: Granny Pie used to be very happy in her marriage, but her husband and herself drifted appart. They got a divorce only after they had one child, Cloudy. Pie went off to Ponyville and met Maple Blooms, tender of trees and other plant-life. They soon got married and had Amber Sprout. Amber took a lot after her father, in looks and in mannerisms. However she did take a bit of that ‘hesitant and shy’-ness from her sister, Cloudy.
Amber met Moony in Ponyville when they were in need of aid for their trees. Amber was shy, and Moony was obliged to make her a friend. The two quickly fell in love and had children. Her ribbon is the same ribbon Applebloom wears.
Fear: Unknown