“Silver Spoon. well done, my subject…”
“‘Well done’? you call having to use all your power to vaporize your best friend ‘well done’? at what cost, my liege? Diamond Tiara was my only friend in all of Equestria, and I was forced to murder her…”
“She was too far gone, Silver Spoon. not even the most powerful magic could return her so long as she was that… thing… her mind was consumed by an immense hatred and evil.”
“The Alicorn Amulet does have that effect on ponies.”
“No, Silver. not the Amulet… it was her own bitterness that drove her to her madness. the amulet only served to quicken the process…”
“Yet still, I feel this could have been handled without having to do away with her…”
“Silver Spoon… there are some things that simply must be done.”
“Even if we don’t like them?”
“Yes. even I did not go without a few regrets whenever such times came for me…”
“Even so, having to kill your only friend may be the hardest blow of all…”
“No. not your only friend. You still have me. and I am certain all of Equestria is grateful for your doing away with that accursed amulet…”
“Well… I suppose that is true…”
“Besides… Even before your selfless sacrifice, I know you’ve had at least a few admirers somewhere… maybe even beyond Equestria…”